Thursday, April 2, 2009

The eagle has landed. Or should I say l’aigle? Journey was pleasant enough, save for the myriad of security agents constantly asking for identification. Where is their identification?! Lord knows who’s paging through my passport, scanning my suitcase, or searching my cavities at the airport.

I will be looking into publishing posts in multiple languages. I pride myself on being septilingual and it disgusts me that many of my new neighbors haven’t even bothered to learn the International Language. It’s obvious that the people here are ignorant and ill-informed, but I remain hopeful that they will embrace me the way my stateside followers have. They, too, must learn the truth.


  1. Mi esperas, ke vi komprenas Esperanton. Supozeble ĝi estas la Internacia Lingvo pri kiu vi skribis.

    I hope you understand Esperanto. I suppose that is the International Language you wrote about.

  2. I hope you are able to decipher the cryptic dialect of Fatus Albertus Mush Mouthian as that is the language I will be using from now on to communicate to you.

  3. I just found this blog and my first thoughts are:

    1) this sucks

    2) you're photo looks like someone who sucks

    3) I hate you.

    4) you are pathetic (and gay)

    5) eat shit and die

    6) fuck off

    7) fuck off, eat shit, and die

    8) you are gay

    9) none of this blog make any sense and no one has any idea what you're talking about.

    10) You suck

  4. Bill—You are a good man.

    Elizabeth—Let’s give it a shot. I fancy myself a fast learner.

    Tom—Are you on your period, chap? Kindly refrain from using the comment section of my blog to showcase your inanity and illiteracy. Congrats on counting to 10.
