Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I’ve just caught wind of a major event in Minneapolis, Minnesota which will focus some much needed attention on the Pangaea Station! Apparently crew members will be discussing the Station in depth this Friday. I can scarcely believe it! Unfortunately, I have been informed that they plan to present the entire concept as some sort of farce.

This certainly expedites my return the States, for this historic happening cannot be missed. Travel could prove tricky as my passport was confiscated after I hurled it at an undercover agent/flight attendant in self-defense; nonetheless, I will be there to ensure that reality is revealed. I urge all of my devotees to assemble and to join me in the quest to dig up the truth!!

Follow this link for logistics: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=84682146408


  1. You know, I totally believe you.
    We should get coffee whenever your in town, maybe see a movie... throw the ball around... havetotallyheterosexuallyappropriatesexualcongresswheretwodudeswhoaredrunkcantotallysaytheyarejustexperimentingandnevergotthatchanceincollegetoreallyhaveagayexperience... go fishing...

    Drop me an email, and you can tell me more about this, uh, Pangee Station.

  2. Great to hear from a sound supporter! Unfortunately my vocation does not afford me much leisure to engage in such activities as movie going, playing ball, fishing, or the other thing you mentioned. Do come to Pecha Kucha Night and perhaps we can take it from there.
