Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am abundantly grateful for the show of support on Friday and feel the evening greatly advanced my efforts in exposing the Station. The blog has since received two more hits! I was astonished by the crew’s explicit description of their mission and explanation of the Station. They practically pinpointed its location! Folks, grab your shovels!

Unfortunately, I was required to make a hasty retreat and have returned to my overseas abode. After my appearance on stage, having revealed myself to the public, I feared the Zorn Corporation and paparazzi would soon be after me. My anonymity is essential at this point in my endeavors; thus, my whereabouts must remain undisclosed.

A curious thing happened as I was waiting in line for a baguette at the Metro station this morning. I experienced what can only be described as tremors from an earthquake, which leads me to believe that this Station business could be more extensive than I had previously presumed.

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